Farm Tender Daily

No 157 - Saturday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Saturday, the 16th of March, 2024.

By Dwain Duxson

Farming currency

Good old word-of-mouth works in Agriculture. A recommendation from a family member, friend, neighbour or fellow Farmer is usually pretty good currency. But there's a catch. People won't recommend you or your business if you are no good or don't do the right thing by the people. In fact, they will recommend not to do business with you. Communication in Ag is now lightning fast, so getting information isn't a problem, unlike the old day when you picked up the Stock Journal on Friday and read it over the week, and bingo, you were up with all the news. Today, it's different. Phones, social media, text messaging and notifications, can give us valuable information instantly. That's why we say that these days, if you are a bit dodgy, you get found out, and the whole Farming world will know. So when someone is word-of-mouthing you, you want it to be in a positive light. And that comes with effort, doing the right thing and being reliable. In Ag, reputation is everything. Do you use word-of-mouth as a tool to send and receive information? Reply to [email protected]

The retiring type

 I get a few email replies from retired Farmers. They were once up to their neck in the game but have stepped away for one reason or another. Even though they are not currently practising, they are keeping a good eye on things by reading publications like this. You can't really ever take the Farmer out of the Farmer, especially if they were passionate about it. It got me thinking. How many Farmers willingly retire, cut ties with the game and head to town and do it that way? And how many just scale down, helping out the daughter or son, but have free rein to come and go when they please? I am sure there are many who do it this way, and they are a bloody valuable resource in this day and age where people are hard to find. Many old Farmers find it hard go cold Turkey and walk away, so the come-and-go-when-you-please works for them. Are you fully retired from Farming, or do you still keep your hand in the game? Reply to [email protected]

Building character

We wrote about small Square Bales of Hay yesterday, and it struck a chord with people. They remembered those hot and dusty days lugging Bales. One person said that it was character-building work. It got me thinking, what are the things in Farming that build your character. I'd say Shearing does; back when I was on the Farm, many friends my age headed off on Shearing runs. Most had Farms to come back to, but some made a career out of it and bought Farms from the proceeds and did it that way. I wasn't a Shearer but spent my time doing Roustabout and Shed Hand work. I reckon Fencing builds character. It sort of emphasises how Farming works. By that, I mean you have to take your time to do it properly, so it's still there in 50 years time, and in the end, when you look at it, you have actually achieved something. It's physically there, and you've done it. I reckon putting up a Fence builds character. Being on the local Sporting committee and then graduating to a role like Treasurer or President is another character-building exercise. What are some of the things that have built your character over the years? Reply to [email protected]

Your replies

Below are snippets from some of the replies you sent in. All quotes will remain nameless. See a few current ones below:

  • “You get stuck in the daily grind of work, pay bills and feed the family and hopefully save a little, but then that machine breaks down, and out the door goes the savings 😆.  I never thought of clarity and purpose too often. You never have the time. It’s just surviving. But a friend asked me a while ago if I would do a business course to help find my purpose and push my business forward. Some questions of who you are, who you want to be, getting clarity, and what’s your purpose what legacy you want to leave. All these questions I have never taken the time to think about. The course is great it makes you stop and think about things more deeply. More of us should do them. Now I’m looking a my business and saying, is this what I want to do?? Is this profitable?? Good for the family?? Anyway, my next session is at 4pm Today… so no, I haven’t found a purpose yet, but I am working on it”. - In reply to our Farm Tender Daily story about defining your purpose. Read the article here. This guy above has nailed it and will find out soon where he wants the rest of his life to head.  

  • “Dwain, Mark Twain also said “Whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting over” - Some adding value with a Mark Twain quote. I’ll drink to that…..

  • “Dwain, You’ve really started something bigger than tractors with trees! It's a terrific topic; you know how to spark a nerve and get a reaction! My camera roll is exploding with trees in our farms. Obsessed”. - We asked in a Note what your favourite Tree was. It sparked some reactions from people. See a couple of pictures of favourite trees below

  • “Small Bales may have been hard work in the past, but this did us more good than harm”. - This led to today’s story on character building. And she is right, it did us no harm.

  • “We work with Grain Farmers all over NNSW and SQLD where we have Summer dominant rainfall. Over the past 3 decades of working with Farmers on paddock rotations and Crop sequences, these decisions have had the greatest impact on profitability. Of course, we have to get the right variety, rate, fert, etc. etc, but paddock average gross margin over 5yrs is most impacted by growing fewer Grain Crops to save growing costs and use stored soil moisture (clay soils PAWC 200+mm) for the greatest water use efficiency”. - An Agronomist replying to our Note about what Crops are you planting this year in your Winter Cropping program.

  • “We always use the idiot blocks.” - A small acres Farmers who make a living through producing small Square Bales.

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.


Saturday funny.

Slight rise.

New Machinery trend in the US.

Malting Barley export volumes.

It’s a good question to ask David. If there was an exemption, tradies would become Farmers too….

Saturday funny.

This is a setback for Farmers who don’t want Renewable Projects on their Land.

And more from the article above this.

Only in Victoria - Saturday funny.

Might have to import…

The olden days…..

Where everything is big.

Water everywhere….

Where are your confidence levels right now?

Selling plenty.

Koomooloo Station Woolshed

Koomooloo Station Woolshed - Sawtooth Shed

Koomooloo Station Woolshed - You can see by this photo how big it is.

Holding back.

Interesting - Is this because there are less Sheep around?

Lit up - Farmer Grain Storage near Mingindi, NSW.

Going to be better, they say.

New Chev 2500

The verdict is honest.

Sorghum surge

This is a worry for Rural areas.

A favourite Tree for someone.

A favourite Tree for someone.

New market?

Feed Barley Exports.

This surprised me.

Interesting that he regrets the initial support.

Are you confused too….

Here's some info for all you Saturday golfers out there: What’s the fee at your club? Are they anything like this?

Bull sales.

Bull sales.

Bull Sales

Bull sales

Bull Sales.

Canola on the move - Yesterday’s Grain Prices