The Farmers Club

No 166 - Wednesday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Wednesday, the 27th of March, 2024.

By Dwain Duxson

Valuable old stuff

We see old Holdens and Vintage Tractors, Trucks, and other old things only increasing in value. I'm just wondering whether we will ever see the same value in today's more modern Machinery and Vehicles. Can you imagine yourself doing up an X9 Header or a late model Ford Ranger in 50 years' time, or will today's Gear be defined more as a throwaway? Personally, I can't image anyone wanting to do up the latest model Hilux but it's funny how history has the ability to repeat itself. But the more things change, the more value is created in things from yesteryear and enthusiasts are created from a very young age. We did a Note of Farmers favourite Tractors ever, and most reeled off that it was one they used to drive 20 or 30 years ago, and most said they wished they never traded or sold it. Do you think modern-day Machinery and Vehicles will become collectors or throwaway items? Reply to [email protected]

Can I ask a favour please?

We get alot of replies each day, with many of you being very kind by saying you enjoy this newsletter. I thank you very much for that. I was just wondering if you would be so kind as to give a short-sentence testimonial about The Farmers Club newsletter. If you could, please include your first name and closest town. That would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Reply to [email protected]

Some things have an end date

I read with interest how the South Australian No-Till Farmers Association (SANTFA) has pulled up stumps. You can read more about it in the articles and images section below. It was formed 25 years ago when it was estimated that 5 per cent of the State Cropping Land was under No-Till systems. Today, it's approximately 90 per cent. Their resounding success they had meant that it had "run its race" and "achieved the goal it set out to achieve". They will pass on $250,000 to a few closely related organisations, which is fantastic. It got me thinking: do most businesses and/or organisations have an end or expiry date? Apart from the exceptions to the rule like AACo, Elders, etc, stats tell us that most will fall by the wayside at some point. Farms are slightly different, but some Farming areas are unrecognisable compared to, say, 30 years. Farms with the value of Land to underpin them are more likely to stay in the current family structure compared to, say, the local Plumber. Businesses and organisations disappear for a wide range of reasons; it's just how the world works; things change and evolve. Look at Country Sporting Clubs as an example. We have lost so many over the years. In your time, have you seen businesses and organisations finish up for some reason or another? Reply to [email protected]

Levies Survey

Ag levies are in the spotlight. One of our readers has pointed out that there is a survey floating around that could see levies revamped. It covers 110 levies and over 70 commodities. See the survey here.

Your replies

Below are snippets from some of the replies you sent in. All quotes will remain nameless. See a few current ones below:

  • “Hi Dwain, As a Lamb and Beef Producer, I’m a big fan of Forward Contracts. It gives you the confidence to Feed or not to Feed Stock as you are not taking a gamble on what Stock prices will do. With the costs involved in Feedlotting Stock, you can’t afford to have a market go the wrong way. It’s the closest thing to a crystal ball. It would be good to continue this conversation, as with Stock prices where they are, a Forward Contract will change the scenario completely”. - One Farmer who is a fan of Forward Contracts.

  • “Hi Dwain. Just to let you know, a couple of weeks ago, Parilla won the first and second-division lawn bowls premiership. Last weekend, Parilla won the cricket grand final, which is extra good because they now play against the Riverland teams. Once again, Parilla is the summer sporting capital of the SA Mallee”. - A Parilla local who is super proud of his town. Parilla is only a dot on the map but punches well above its weight. Well done.

  • “I was looking for a stress release with running 2 expanding businesses and a young family. Started coaching football again after 10 years away.. was great for the fitness and family social side of things. Then became stressful itself at the pointy end of the year dealing with the next generation of easily offended young adults and overprotective parents.. Now just running 2 expanding businesses and raising a young family without coaching and feeling completely stress free 😂”. - In reply to our note about good stress and bad stress.

  • “See pictured below (Chaser Bin) one of many things the boys (all under 18) and I have built. Also built a Sheep Jetter and two Sheds 30 x 30 metres and cemented the floor ourselves”. - In reply to our story on how many Farmers are super clever in the workshop. See the pictures of the Chaser Bin they built below. How good.

  • “Hi Dwain. Our son, when in his 20s, made from scratch a hydraulic-driven grab claw to remove old fence posts. He was inspired after I was hit by a post swinging on the end of a chain on the elevated forks of the Tractor, how we used to do it. He has since made a 2 round Bale carrier with a horizontal hydraulic driven extension to be able to perfectly place 2 bales in the row when carting them. He cheekily painted it J.Deere green”. - As I said in the Note yesterday, some of these people are geniuses in the Workshop. Great Story.

  • “You asked awhile back about Herefords vs Angus. After generations of Herefords, we are transitioning to Angus, solely because of the price difference at the market. It is heartbreaking to receive $100-200/head less simply because of the colour of their coat. Weight can be the same or better than the blacks, but always get less. You only have to look at recent Hereford Stud bull sales to see a lot of other people must be going the same way. Their sales have been down more than the Angus, both in average price paid and clearance numbers”. - It would be heartbreaking, just because they are a different colour. At times in Ag, the consumers vote with their wallets, and right now, it’s Angus or Wagyu. That’s what I am seeing anyway.

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

How good is this - Using the lovely old Ganmain Hall for an information event for Farmers. That’s what community is all about.

No real surprises there - Graphg is for the Breeding Herd, not the total Herd.

I guess nothing is forever. Good job SANTFA. See the story above.

More in the SANTFA. Fantastic contribution. See the story above

Most important Mal.

O’Deere alright…..

Some choice words from David Williams.

From this….

To this….. Farmer built. See in the replies section how this came about.

Ute reprieve. See more below

Good news of sorts - Interestingly, we mentioned the light commercial scenario when the story first came. out

Anything state-based that affects a national audience is always hard work.

On the back of the rain up North.

Another great example of how Rural Communities work. This time by the local Cricket Club helping out a local business with a big job….

On the banned list….

Wheat Futures rise.

That last paragraph is so right… See below an example

That’s the way Catriona… See below also

Now, Sophie from Kew, that makes sense…..

That’s what they call bulldust.

Up and down. Just like the Grain market they service.

No winners - Wednesday funny.

Banks digging their toes in…

Wednesday funny - Standards yes.

Tafe is so important.

What about Tony Greig’s keys??

Would you buy it?

Wednesday funny - The media don’t want this old chestnut to go away.

Is this AI thing more scary than useful??

Friendly - Our son Raleigh just bought a house in Geelong and inherited this Chook.

An iconic American supply chain is changing…

The Full moon over Orange last night.

US data - That’s alot on Feed.

Please call Ellen on 0418 137 224 to discuss your Fertiliser requirements.

Please call Ellen on 0418 137 224 to discuss your Nitrogen requirements.

Munchea WA Cattle from Monday.

Treading water - Wool price from yesterday.

Munchea WA Sheep from yesterday.

AGE prices yesterday.

Lots of pluses - Grain prices from yesterday.