The Farmers Club

No 303 - Thursday's Club Notes

The “Club Notes” for Thursday, the 5th of September, 2024.

By Dwain Duxson - An Ag Enthusiast

Other factors emerge

I was talking to a guy who knows a prominent Farmer in Northern NSW, and he was looking to buy a decent-sized Farm but pulled out. Not because it was too dear, not because he had too much debt, not because he didn't see potential in it, and not because he thought that Ag was going bad. In fact, all the planets lined up as per above, and he was keen to buy it. But one thing stopped him. He knew he couldn't staff it with the kind of people he needed to make it a success. I can't ever recall when someone has decided not to buy a Farm or a Property on the back of not being able to find labour. The usual answer would be, yer we know we will have to staff it, we'll sort that later, we'll be right. Most time, it wouldn't come into the thought process. So, big decisions are being made on the back of things that we never would have thought to be an issue. As I said some time ago, staffing is an issue; if you can't find extra people and someone leaves or the workload increases, then that puts more of an onus on the current staff, who can become burnt out or tired from the extra workload. People in Ag work hard, but there's a breaking point. Do you think this staffing issue is getting worse? Reply to [email protected]

The Hay Report

See the latest Hay Report here, hot off the keyboard.

What’s in the paid section today:

Story 2 - The young people wanting to buy Land dilemma. Check out this young person's heartfelt email and then our reply.

Story 3 - This is a wonderful story of a group of Farmers going out of their to catch up with a sick mate.

Number of articles and images - 59 in total including 14 funnies

Number of Farmer replies - 6 including that ripper one from that young aspiring Farmer.

The Farmers Club - For Ag Enthusiasts

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