The Farmers Club

No 175 - Tuesday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Tuesday, the 9th of April, 2024.

By Dwain Duxson

The Brookfield story

We love nothing better than relaying stories about our Farming forefathers and what they created. Craig Wallace sheds some light on the Brookfield story here: This is the story of the evolution of Brookfield Agriculture, borne from the tinkering of my Wallace forefathers here in Cowra, NSW. Whilst we are blessed with rich fertile soil, my father Phillip and grandfather Gordon realised that the true potential of Brookfield Farms would only be realised with the most efficient tools and Machinery. This led to them building the first self-propelled suspended Boom Spraying rig in Australia in the 1960s. A passion for continual innovation and tinkering saw them make more and more Machines for their own use …all of which proved far more useful than what was available for purchase at the time. Dad lost his father at only 18 years old and had to take over the Farm reigns. He quickly attained a reputation around the neighbouring Farms and the broader district as they recognised his ingenuity in design and BROOKFIELD was born in the late 80's. And exactly as you outlined, today, BROOKFIELD is far bigger than the Farm and continues to be a market leader in creating sustainability with our flagship products: the BROOKFIELD ChainBar, BROOKFIELDOmniBin and AGRIBIN range. Dad continues to lead the R&D from the Farm, where we continually use and test our Machines and implements. Every day brings another learning for the entire team and another opportunity for us to continue to tinker and engineer BROOKFIELD and AGRIBIN products of the Farming future globally. Great story, Craig; thanks for sharing. Do you have any stories like Craigs? Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Added Extras for subscribers only:

FT2024 - See here the free link here to FarmTender2024 - Entrepreneurs in Farming event. 6 hours of content, so many takeaways (valued at the ticket price of $350). It’s like 11 separate Farming podcasts all in one.

FT2023 - See here the free link to FarmTender2023 - The business of Famring event. 6 hours of content, many takeaways, and many things have changed (valued at the ticket price of $350).

Your replies

Below are snippets from some of the replies you sent in. All quotes will remain nameless. See a few current ones below:

  • “Hi Dwain, As a young bloke with a half handy dog I went to a local weekend dog training school with Neil McDonald, and it would have been probably the most productive and informative training thing I’ve done. Lightbulb moment on dog training and Sheep behaviour. I still remember most of the specific lessons we learnt over 30 years ago”. - In reply to the Note we wrote on some significant moments in your Farming life that you remember.

  • “Hi Dwain. The reason craft beer is struggling is that because it tastes like sh#t; give me the mass-manufactured stuff any day. Loving The Farmers Club, cheers”. - In reply to our Note on how the once touted craft beer industry is now struggling.

  • “Centre Pivot Irrigation has been a game changer for Farming in Tasmania since the early 2000s”. - In reply to our Note on what significant moments or things have mad a difference on your Farm. The development of Irrigation has been a massive boon for Tasmanian Farming.

  • “I am really pissed off when I see my rates being used for Silo paintings, cultural events, and political signage. It is not their business”. - In reply to our Farm Tender Daily story on the survey results we gained from the Council/Shire survey that our partner Ag Surveys put together. Have a read here.

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

Cropping & Grain

Plantings down - What will be the consequences?

Barley Exports and China

Not sure. Do you reckon it can be done?

On the rise.

Growing market.

On the up

AGE prices yesterday.

Grain prices from yesterday.

Sheep, Wool & Lambs

Great product yes, but how do we make it more popular?




Tough going in NZ.

Cattle & Beef


Muchea WA Cattle.

Chicken very steady.


Turds no more - Tuesday funny.

Unlucky - Tuesday funny.

Winners are grinners - Tuesday funny.

The original Web Design - Tuesday funny.

It’s good stuff - Tuesday funny.


The pub test is important.

I thought it was going through to Brisbane or Toowoomba at least.

Could this change the way Supermarkets operate for good?

This 3G thing will affect Farmers and Rural people. Bring on Starlink to the handset.


Profit warning.

We need to grow that TAFE system, not shrink it.

Hay & Fodder

Those were the days……

Machinery, Vehicles and Equipment

New model.

Steiger Green - This would make Steiger fans happy.

Costly though…..

Ag People

Willing to learn - It’s great when people from outside Ag come into Ag.

Weather, Irrigation & Water

Water carting is one of those dead-end jobs that people hate. However, it does make you want to improve things for the next time around.

Rain can always be either a blessing or a curse

Looking good at Longreach.

Other Ag stuff

In Farming, you need to innovate….

Predicting the future in Ag is difficult.

Those were the days - How old is too old when going to a BnS? Looks like it was a good show.

Who’s been here?

Ten million……