The Farmers Club Newsletter

Wednesday's Club Notes

The “Club Notes” for Wednesday, the 2tth of September 2023

By Dwain Duxson

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Cocky Gate mania

I got plenty of good replies back from the Cocky Gate "Club Note" yesterday. I discovered that they are also called Queensland Gates, and not only in Queensland. One of our staff members, Mike Pickard, remembers calling them Bogan Gates, so the names are starting to surface. Apparently, there is a guy making Cocky Gate kits (see a photo of one below) in SA, and he only sells them at Cox Rural in Coonalpyn, SA. And finally, see my attempt at some 14ft Cocky Gates in an image below. Reply to [email protected]

Opportunity cost lost? Or not?

I listened to a Weekly Times podcast this morning that featured Agricultural educator Nigel Kerin. Nigel has one of those mathematical minds we wrote a "Club Note" about earlier in the week. Nigel said in the podcast that he had deliberately held back selling three wool clips and would add another one soon. The reason being, is he knows that this Summer and Autumn, and maybe beyond, he will be containment-feeding all his Breeding stock due to the dry conditions on his Property in Central West NSW. He will sell the Wool to pay for the containment feeding. I'm not questioning Nigel as to whether it's right or wrong but asking these questions for the answers. Prices for Wool have gone down in that time. So is there an opportunity cost lost there by not selling higher on a clip-by-clip basis? Or was it for tax reasons? I will follow up with him. Reply to [email protected]

A young generalist turns into an older…..

Think about this one. You might agree, and you might not. So when we are young, it's better to learn alot of things. Be a generalist. In Farming, you need to have a wide range of practical skills, from Chainsawing Wood, Crutching Sheep, Driving a Front End Loader, and understanding a Chemical mix. The list definitely goes on. But as we get older, we become more of a specialist. We work out what we want to do, or more importantly, we work out what we don't want to do. So, if you are a young person in Ag, don't get frustrated by doing things you mightn't think are relevant. You will look back in years to come and say I'm glad I learnt that. Reply to [email protected]

Get on the beers

I just want to state that I need no encouragement to get on the beers. Just ask my wife, Paula. One of life's pleasures. This is what former Victorian premier Dan Andrews said when he released us Victorians from one of the many lockdowns we had to endure. As of Yesterday, he left the building, and Farmers (and others) are rejoicing, as this Premier has left Victoria with a debt double that of New South Wales. Many couldn't believe he had gone and wanted to witness the news themselves. One person said, "it's like going to the funeral of an enemy. You just go to make sure with your own eyes they are gone. See a cartoon below. Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson

Random and associated images.

Cocky Gate kits being sold at Cox Rural Coonalpyn, SA.

My attempt at a Cocky Gate. There’s also one across the road.

Notice the potholes - On you’re way old mate. We’ll all pick up the pieces.

A sprinkler system keeps the Dairy Cows cool before milking.

Not sure about Beef and Sheep. Surely the costs have gone up too. Graph credit Episode 3

Melbourne Wool sales 27/09/2023