The Farmers Club Newsletter

No 92 - Wednesday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Wednesday, the 27th of December 2023

By Dwain Duxson

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Package deal

Established Agricultural businesses are struggling to find people, let alone the right people. It's one of the biggest problems in Ag. This has become a two-pronged issue. If we can't attract the right people, our productivity goes down; it's like operating a V8 on six cylinders. The other issue is that the people we already have are doing more to cover the people we don't have. We have written a lot about how we need to innovate to find new people, and one of the crucial things is to house these people. The housing issue can sometimes be harder than finding the people themselves. It's now nearly a given that you have to have the accommodation side of things sorted before you even entertain putting a job ad out there. So, the two combined is why it's so hard. I have always said that for us at Farm Tender, running an online business where our people work remotely, it's easier to find the right people because we don't have to uproot them and relocate them. How are you going finding people or accommodation? Reply to [email protected]

Christmas rain

We have posted a few photos of the Christmas rain that has fallen. The heaviest falls were recorded in Victoria. For many, it put pay to the backyard Cricket matches, and it's a real pest for those who haven't finished Harvest. For the Sheep and Cattle guys, it probably kills off any Dry Feed that was available, but that might have happened for many in earlier falls. What we will see is some temporary green pick. For the Croppers, and for those that have finished Harvest, they will have a little smile on their face as the moisture it has added to the soil gives them a confident start to the next Cropping season. How much rain did you have, and how will it advantage your Farming business? Reply to [email protected]

Breaking long-held beliefs

Nobody ever thought that you could get a lambing rate of over 100 per cent for Merinos. So much so that many didn't really pursue higher it; it was a long-held belief that it couldn't be done, so why focus on it? Now if you are running Merinos and not getting 100 percent plus, you are not making money. It's probably the key profit driver these days. 10 tonne to the hectare Crops are starting to be talked about and to be honest, it would be only certain areas that could do it (there we go, my own long-held belief), and we are not there yet, but some Croppers I know have it in their sights. Who would have ever thought Land prices would get to where they are? I remember where our family Farm at Marnoo in Victoria, when our Land was worth $400/acre. Now, it's more like $6000/acre or more. Who would have thought? Not me. We shake our heads at this, but who's to say it won't be $20,000/acre in 20 years' time? There are so many long-held beliefs in Farming, and in the next 10 years, we will probably smash many of these. What are your long-held beliefs that have been broken? Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

When the River first runs.

The Summer Feed is liking the rain.

How kind.

Make use of the extra staff at Christmas time.

Tough going in the Wine Industry.

This is what Cropping Farmers like to see after Harvest.

Wednesday funny.

A Blacksmith at work and Sowing Wheat Bags.

Rain near Boort in Victoria.

Lake Wedderburn - The Football ground.

I just can’t fathom this.

Looks like the Tesla CyberUte.

Our Christmas Day in the Woolshed.

Our Christmas Day in the Woolshed.