The Farmers Club Newsletter

Tuesday's Club Notes

The “Club Notes” for Tuesday, the 3rd of October 2023

By Dwain Duxson

If you can, please get your family, friends and colleagues to sign up. See the website link here.

A banquet in the Barley Crop

Each year, the little Wimmera Farming town of Rupanyup holds an event that captures people's imagination. The Barley Banquet is in its 26th year now, and it just proves how a small community can combine to showcase something unique that gets etched in people's memory and makes them want to come back. So what the Rupanyup Major Events (great name) Committee does is find a local Barley Crop and, with the permission of the Farmer (of course), mow out an area that can fit a Marquee big enough to house the 400 partying guests. The guests get a 3-course meal, drinks, table service and entertainment, as well as free buses to and from surrounding towns. It's a real day out, and everyone gets dressed in their finest. It's a great story and what small communities can do. I see this year's event, which is on the 21st of October, is already sold out. Well done Rupanyup. Check out he image below. Reply to [email protected]

41.7 million metric tonnes so far

Peter McMeekin wrote ….. "Ukraine's second wartime Harvest is progressing well despite the constant threat of ground attacks from Russian forces. Production is expected to be higher year-on-year, but the big conundrum is how that Grain will make its way to international markets as Black Sea export routes remain under constant attack from Vladimir Putin's forces. According to the Agriculture Ministry, Ukraine's Farmers had harvested 41.7 million metric tonnes to the end of last week, with Grain making up 31.5MMT and Oilseeds 11.2MMT. This harvest total is up 18.5 per cent from 35.2MMT two weeks earlier. The Grain volume included 22.2MMT of Wheat, 5.9MMT of Barley, 0.4MMT of peas and 0.8MMT of Corn. The Oilseed total included 4MMT of Canola and 5MMT of Sunflower Seed". Read the full article here. Reply to [email protected]

It's one at a time in Ag

In our Farm Tender business, we have always worked on the power of one. One new member at a time, one listing, one sale, one happy customer, one positive recommendation and one invoice paid. I reckon this should apply to all businesses, but it's applicable to Ag businesses because it's the only way you can build a business in Ag. I love watching metrics and seeing new and current members being interested in something you have created. It's what makes it exciting and addictive. Even with this new "The Farmers Club" side hustle, it's watching the new people sign up and then having people respond to some of the stories with their own findings and opinions. Reply to [email protected]

Snooping around

Farm security is something Farmers are taking more notice of. Many tell us they have never been so concerned about people snooping around. I had an incident here on our small Farm where a wife and husband pulled up with their Gold detectors (we live in an old Gold mining area), jumped the fence and started detecting around an old Homestead ruins we have. I jumped in the side by side and drove down to them and asked them if they knew this was private property. I said it in a nice way, but the guy got a bit burred up about it and started walking toward me. He was holding a double-sided pick over his shoulder. So I thought, I am a bit vulnerable here, sitting down in the Can-Am whilst he was looking down over me. They then left, mumbling a few words to each other. Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson

Random and associated images.

Tough season - Here’s a Canola Crop (above) and a Wheat Crop below in the Northern Wheat Belt of WA. It’s safe to say the Header won’t be going in. Photo credit Alex Grove.

Acquisition mode - Elders buy Chemical development company Eureka.

A fair response

Harvest in Ukraine - See the story above

A great event - The Barley Banquet is in its 26th year in 2023. See the story above.

Only in the US - Old Trumpy signing the John Deere S780 Header.