The Farmers Club Newsletter

Thursday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Thursday, the 9th of November 2023

By Dwain Duxson

If you can, please get your family, friends and colleagues to sign up. See the website link here.

New Paddock Bomb

I see there is a post going around on social media about a cheaper $15,000 Toyota Ute. See the photo below. It could be a bit of fake news, but it’s a good subject to tackle anyway. Our Farm Utes have changed over the years, going from fair dinkum Farm workhorses to car-like luxury vehicles you feel guilty driving around the paddock in. We wrote a story in our Farm Tender “Daily” about how Farmers are alleviating some of that paddock-driving guilt by using UTV’s. Read the story here. I know a Farmer who has recently replaced his UTV fleet with a small Suzuki Mini Truck. See the image below. He said they are much cheaper to run, you can go anywhere, they have a cabin with AC and Heating, and you can register them. I think there is a place in the market for a cheaper “Paddock Bomb” type Ute. If they were a known brand like Toyota or Suzuki and cost $15-$20,000 new, would you buy one? Reply to [email protected]

This will lift your spirits

Charity is a bad word to describe how a 100-plus Farmers pulled in with their Headers, Trucks, Chaser Bins and whatever else to help out a Western Australian Farming Family Harvest their Crop after the loss of their Father and Husband just recently. Darryl “Jack” Burton, 51, passed away on a camping trip in early October. They amassed 13 Headers and 16 Trucks to reep the 2500-acre Property in a day. It’s not charity. We give money to charities to help people we don’t know. This is more than that, it’s helping friends, neighbours, a fellow Farmer, and a respected member of the community. You can just about guarantee something like this would happen in any similar circumstance right across Rural Australia. That’s just how people operate. See the image below. It’ll make you proud to be a Farmer. Have you seen this kind of generosity in your community? Reply to [email protected]

Those fires

There have been some terrible Fires in the Northern half of the country recently. Some have been burning for weeks. And there have been plenty of Pastures lost, some Livestock, Houses and even a couple of lives. We know when living in Rural Australia, you are going to have a few fires go through in your lifetime. That’s a given. But one thing you don’t know is how much it’s going to affect you. Nobody wishes a fire on anyone, so we hope all the guys who have been burnt or are fighting these fires can have some relief soon. Have you been badly affected by fire in your time? Reply to [email protected]

Success is…..

American Science writer and author David McRaney describes success as the serial avoidance of failure. I love this statement. So, to me, it means if we keep getting a lot of things right and only a few things wrong, then we are going to keep our heads above water. Batting in Cricket is like that. In a season, you will have successes (hitting runs) but will go out from time to time. The better batters have a much higher percentage success-to-failure ratio than the lesser batsmen. Farming is like that, too, except there are a few more unknowns at play compared to Cricket. You know, the weather, prices, economic conditions, anti-Farming governments, etc , etc. How do you define success? Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

RBA Cash rates over the years.

Sometimes you just have to laugh - Mark Knight, Herald Sun

Why don’t AACo Insure at least some of their Cattle? Fin Review.

See out the latest Farm Tender promo.

What’s going to be the consequences for Farmers? Fin Review.

How good are Rural Communities - Read the story above.

This one might be fake news, but there’s a story here - Would you buy one of these for the Farm at $15,000? See the story above.

The Suzuki Mini Truck.

They said the roads would get better…..

Some Harvest Data

Truckie shortage - Weekly Times

Wouldn’t want to be busting….

Looks like an exit.

They’re coming after us - The Australian.

Fake news or should I say a fake photo?