The Farmers Club Newsletter

No 72 - Monday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Monday, the 4th of December 2023

By Dwain Duxson

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What’s your end-of-Harvest celebration?

Down below, I put an end-of-Harvest photo where a couple of people are doing a nudie run. And it got me thinking about what your end-of-Harvest celebration looks like. Apart from the obligatory picture on Twitter, most people don't have much of a traditional thing they do year in year out. We have written about the cut-out before, and I am sure many would have a few beers somewhere to celebrate the Harvest that was. An example of a Harvest celebration is Rob from the Wimmera, they do something a little different in that they always have a little celebration at the start of the Harvest. They always strip a box full on a Sunday afternoon, pull up and celebrate with a few beers. Their father did this and said to Rob, "No matter the season, you should be proud of your efforts to grow a Crop". What's your end of Harvest tradition? And if you don't have one, should you start one? Reply to [email protected]

Labeling it that way

I listened to a very good podcast on the way home from Swan Hill on Friday. Profitable Farmer host Jeremy Hutchins interviewed the dynamic Farming couple Hayley and Martin Grossar from Kaniva in Victoria. These guys go about their Farming operation a little differently in that they virtually started out with nothing and only own a small parcel of land but lease 5000 acres for Cropping and Sheep. Hayley sounds like a go-getter, and her passion for Farming and their business is played out numerous times in the podcast. There are several takeaways in this one, but there is one I want to share with you. Hayley said, "Nothing is good or bad. It's just that we label it that way". We spoke about it the other day, where the rain many have experienced during Harvest is probably looked at as bad, but the moisture gains for next year are good. Hayley said she doesn't try to label events as good or bad, they are just things that happen. I love it. I think it's a great way to look at things going forward. What attitude do you take when something comes up that you need to deal with? Reply to [email protected]

Up for the fight

We wrote about Swan Hill last week in our Farm Tender Daily and how it's a very proud and diverse Farming area. I got a ripping reply email from Phil, who's a Farmer in the area. Swan Hill is an Irrigation town that will be affected by Water buybacks the Government has introduced. But Phil says that Swan Hill is up for the fight and determined to keep going forward despite the predicted gloomy outlook. I think Phil has adopted Hayley's labelling attitude (from the story above), and if others have that attitude, then Swan Hill will be fine. The outcomes of such an event can send people's attitudes spirally downward, and they feel things are against them. But with an attitude change, you can lift yourself beyond that perceived bad news and forge ahead. Phil hasn't labelled it as bad but is recognising the challenge ahead and is up for the fight. Reply to [email protected]

A problem no longer

We wrote about it a few months ago how if something is a problem on the Farm, I will keep that problem in the line of sight and after a while, a solution comes along. You just have to think about solving it in a few different ways. See below the Twitter video from Kerin Poll Merino. These guys had a problem where, on a hot day, their Lambs would jump in the trough and foul it all up. They have Cattle guards around most of their troughs, but it didn't stop the Lambs. So they thought about the problem and came up with a simple solution by putting a ratchet strap around the Cattle guard, and the problem was solved. Best to watch the video. What is the best problem you have solved? Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

Monday funny - I bet he’s got FOMO…..

Trentham - A great photo of a wonderful little country town.

Silo Bags are great, but when they do this, it’s not much fun.

Hail assessing Lentils can be tricky.

Great Marketing and great boots.

The end of Harvest nudie run. Who else does this?? Read the story above.

It’s a good Facebook Page to follow this one. They have some great Woolshed photos.

My wife Paula and I had a couple of beers in this Pub a few months ago. It’s a good sport, worth a visit.

The weather is a contentious issue ATM. The Australian. Keep reading below.

Weather article continues.

Weather article continues.

End of weather article.

Clever - Inventing a new service.

This article was in The Australian on Saturday. It’s about a group of Wimmera Farmers battling a mining company. Read the article right to the bottom.

Continues below.

Continues below.

Continues below.

Continues below.

Continues below.

Continues below.

End of article.