The Farmers Club Newsletter

Tuesday's no-commodity thinking

Tuesday’s thinking and trends for the 12th of September 2023

By Dwain Duxson

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This makes Farmer's angry.

Farmers get pissed off when the price of something they are selling is low, but the retail price of that particular something is high and out of whack. The case in point is red meat ATM. Prices for Beef, Lamb and Mutton at the Farmer's end are killing their budgets, yet prices at the retail level haven't dropped. The Butchers were screaming blue murder 12 months ago, saying they will be out of business soon. I bet they are cleaning up now. And many feel that the Supermarkets and Processors are in it up to their eyeballs. There is a ripper video going around that sums it up, but do you think I can find it.

Call it dry, but not a drought.

The demand for Hay is increasing as we enter another new season. And by the looks of it, the Hay made in the South will need to head to the North, where the demand is coming from. Freight is a killer, and it will be interesting to see if any Freight subsidies emerge from the NSW and Qld State Governments. I'm told these Governments will avoid calling an area in "drought" and will be happy to call these areas "dry" for as long as possible to avoid any use of taxpayer's dollars.

Panama pain.

Panama is one of the wettest countries in the world. But currently, it is going through a severe drought. This is affecting the iconic Panama Canal. Gatun Lake, the freshwater lake that provides the water for the Canal so Ships can pass through, has dropped considerably during the drought. This is starting to affect the Global trade flows. Peter McMeekin, in his weekly World Grains column, explains it beautifully here. See below a map of the Panama Canal.

Good Boots.

The "tradies" brand FXD has come out with a new work boot. I bought some the other day after spending years as a Rossi's or Bundstone's customer. These new FXD boots are very comfortable and seem to wear well, although my weekend work isn't like everyday Farm work. However, the test is in the longevity as the older bands mentioned above have stood the test of time. See the new and worn-in images below. What brand of work boots do you wear?

End of message.

Dwain Duxson - [email protected] 

Random and associated images

Green shoots for Lamb Producers. A record 32,000 tonnes exported in August - Credit Episode 3

The FXD boots in question when they were new

The FXD boots in question, after a bit of weekend work

Map of the Panama Canal and where Gatun Lake is situated