The Farmers Club Newsletter

Wednesday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Wednesday, the 1st of November 2023

By Dwain Duxson

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Dairy careful not to say it's the new normal

I was chatting to a Dairy Farmer this morning about the prolonged uptime in the Dairy game. What I meant by prolonged is that many haven't seen it this high for so long in their Dairying lives. 30 years in the game, this Farmer has been at it. Perhaps the industry has got the balance right between how much milk is produced and how much is consumed. As we know, many have gone out of the game, but those still in it are bigger and produce more, and I'm unsure how far overall production has dropped or has it. I don't want to put the moz on the once-in-a-generation period for Dairy, but we discussed about when Cattle and Sheep prices were high, and we were asking if this is the new normal. My Dairy Farmer mate has been through too many ups and downs to become complacent. Why do you think we have had such a prolonged uptick in Dairy? Reply to [email protected]

The power of rural communities

Don't underestimate the power of your rural community. At times, we take them for granted and just go through the motions, not thinking about it too much until something happens. In a talk I listened to the other day, they described them as a superpower. As we know, sometimes rural communities can be fractured for some reason or another. But when there's a common cause, or some kind of natural disaster, or a loss in the community, this often unites the people, and they often realise that from that point, they are more powerful together. There are many examples of this, and one that springs to mind is my old hometown of Marnoo, which is united in fighting the Power Lines. How united is your local rural community? Reply to [email protected]

Lose a lot to gain a lot sometimes

We are all learning things every day in Agriculture. But I reckon the real learning comes from making a "big" mistake or losing "a lot" of money. I am in my early fifties and have lost "a lot" of money a couple of times, both through stupid mistakes of my own accord. It certainly taught me some valuable lessons and never say never, but I don't reckon I'll lose money the same way ever again. Most of the mistakes we make don't hurt us too much, but the "big" mistakes can hurt us and also be a turning point, providing we own them. Have you ever made a big one? Reply to [email protected]

Talk to your banker

If your income relies on Livestock, you should read this article. The author is respected Livestock Consultant John Francis from Agrista. John outlines how Livestock Producers have been hit with the double whammy of decreased prices and increased interest rates. John says in his article to make sure people get on the front foot with their bank to discuss the situation. We wrote about how a Farmer sends a report to the bank every month with everything in it. Read about it here. It's tough times for many in the Livestock industry, and facing up to reality is what's needed. Things will come good. It's just a matter of when. Are you on the front foot with your financier? Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated images.

Bushfire sunset at Westbrook near Toowoomba in Queensland. Photo credit Aflie Felton-Taylor

Nutrien says we have some work to do with our Fertiliser model.

GrainCorp intakes so far up until October 30th.

Remember this - This is how we used to log on the the internet. I can still remember that sound ringing in my ear.

And this - This is how we downloaded stuff. Some things took a long time.

Queensland-based Kilcoy Global Foods has developed a ground-breaking robotic scribe carcass cutting technology that will alter the meat processing industry's accuracy, yield, and safety.

The Logan Pub, Logan, Victoria - A ripping little pub that’s stood the test of time, survived when many haven’t and if you check your Google Maps, you will see it in a rural community, rather than a town.

Sometimes you just have to laugh - Someone’s put some effort into this.

Tuesday’s Southern Wool prices.

The Aussie Swagman - Does anyone have any Swagman stories?