The Farmers Club Newsletter

No 81 - Thursday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Thursday, the 14th of December 2023

By Dwain Duxson

If you can, please get your family, friends and colleagues to sign up. See the website link here.

Auctionsplus Plus

Auctionsplus has been a great Australian Agricultural story. From its humble beginning to where it is today over a long period of time, been a fantastic effort. It's interesting to note that apart from doing their core Auctions stuff, they are, to use their words," transforming into a major data, content and insights powerhouse". I'm pretty interested in where they are going with the content side of things, as I am a keen watcher of the Ag media space. They have employed a couple of ex-News Corp people in Jackson Hewett (content) and Scott McCullough (Advertising) to lift the bar in this area. Are they going to challenge the likes of ACM (Australian Country Media), who own Farmonline, The Land, etc and the Weekly Times for Ag news content advertising revenues? I will be keen to watch which direction it takes. They, like us at Farm Tender, have a large audience and are looking to leverage that audience into other things that might add value to the customer experience. Do you like the Auctionplus news section? Reply to [email protected]

You've got 18 months….

I put this up yesterday. A Farmer said this on Twitter, "I moved to a new Farm a few years ago and was told by the neighbour that I could only whinge about the previous owner's stuff ups for 18 months, then it's my problem. The same should apply to governments!" I think the neighbour has been very clever in what he/she has said here. I don't like putting timelines on financial things, but something like this is different. It's sort of saying I respected the previous Farmer, and I am sure the property is not perfect, and I am happy to hear some of your concerns for a while, but once the time is up, then that's it. It's putting a line in the sand before they start being neighbours. As for the Governments doing the same, it's just not in their make-up.... Reply to [email protected]

The turning point

We wrote this morning about how they don't make Utes like they used to. We all know that. We had a subscriber reply and was talking about his disdain of the modern Utes and said if they reinvented the prototype to the Holden WB Ute, he would be first in line to buy. But when you think about it, the WB and the models that preceded it were limited in what they could do because they were two-wheel drive. So when the paddocks were wet, you were out of tricks. I remember bogging our WB on numerous occasions. It was a revolution when the 4WD Ute came along; you could go to so many more places. It was a real turning point for the humble Farm Ute. Can you remember when you got your first 4WD Ute? Reply to [email protected]

Last week’s Hay Report - Take a read here.

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

Protein battles, but yield wins. I love Chris’s quote in the 2nd paragraph.

Value for money - The Aussie-made Alpha Disc.

Kiwi Sheep and Lamb Challenge.

A strong day for the Wool market.

Highest and lowest percentage of annual average rainfall.

Do you get the feeling the EV market is cooling a little? I might be wrong, but they have missed the targets for the 150 by a fair way.

Wednesday funny.

I am not much into these types of quotes, but this one made sense.

Tonnes of Mice damage.

Viterra nearing 5 million tonnes.

It won’t stop raining in some places.

Sensible strategy when we don’t know what the outcomes will be. See the related cartoon below.

Wednesday funny.

Truffle Queen.

Those who have high Protein Wheat might want to hold onto it. Or you might be happy with the price.

Some things in real terms haven’t gone up that much…. And some have.

All the upcoming Weaner Cattle sales.

Up and up - WA Wool price from Tuesday.

I think most Croppers would agree with the data.