The Farmers Club Newsletter

No 93 - Friday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Friday, the 29th of December 2023

By Dwain Duxson

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Creating opportunities

I am writing this from the MCG in between sessions. And I am the only silly one in the whole stadium that is tapping away on my laptop. Anyway, it's that time of year when we are looking at the New Year, and some are making their New Year resolutions. Whether you are into them or not, it is good to think ahead and have a rough idea of what you want to achieve in 2024. Someone said to me the other day that if you feel you are not getting an opportunity at something, you need to create one. So 2024 could be about creating more opportunities than you have in the past. Putting yourself out there a bit more than you normally would. What sort of opportunities could you create in 2024? Reply to [email protected]

Monetising what you are good at

We write alot about how everyone should have a side hustle. As Farmers, we often feel that we are tied to the Farm and consider ourselves a bit of a one-trick pony. But most Farmers have hidden talents or hobbies that they super enjoy. Why not find some time to bring your hidden talent to the surface and turn it into something? Maybe you could even monetise it and turn it into an alternative income. For me, it's doing this writing, and eventually, we will monetise it. Also, I like pottering around the Farm doing Farm improvement projects, and they are much more of an expense than income, but I feel they are adding value to our little Farm. What hobbies or talents do you have that you have monetised? Reply to [email protected]

Wool or no Wool

I take alot of notice of the Sheep and Wool industry, as I used to be heavily involved. The trend we are seeing is having Sheep that don't grow Wool. So you either have Wool, and it's decent Wool worth way more than the Shearing cost, or you have Sheep with no Wool. It will be interesting to watch if they start Breeding the Wool off the Dorsets and Suffolks. If so, they would probably have to cross them with something. Currently, Shearing Sheep with lesser quality courser Wool can cost you more than it's worth. It will be interesting to think where the industry might be in 10 years' time. What are your thoughts about Wool or no Wool? Wool Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

They have been busy……

Lower Wheat stocks should keep the price up. See the graph below.

See the story above.


The Drovers Association - That roles off the tongue.

Cattle slaughter stats.

No Veg, no problem

Canola up.

Not good.

Horse cull.

Friday funny.

High Interest.

Loading Sheep.

Iron ore prices following $AUD.

On the up - How will they sell in 2024?

Give and take.

AI and AG. We are not there yet….

The Flinders Rangers - If you haven’t been, do yourself a favour.