The Farmers Club Newsletter

Saturday's and Sunday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Saturday and Sunday, the 21st and 22nd of October 2023

By Dwain Duxson

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On the money

We wrote in a "Club Note" on Friday about a sign that read MECHANIC ON DUTY at Heathcoate, and we gave Rob Middleton Motors a plug because of the sign, which we assumed (we should never assume) meant you could drop in anytime with an issue that needs fixing and the would courteously do it. One of our valued readers confirmed what we assumed (have I told you we should never assume), and they wrote this, "Yep they have old-fashioned service and not over-the-top prices". So good on them. Notice how the person backing up our assumption called it "old-fashioned service". That means that we used to be good at servicing people, but we're not now, except for a few. How do we get back to that level of service? Over to you. See the image below. Reply to [email protected]

Stone those bloody Crows

We have a family of Crows hanging around the house. The two kids must be just out of the nest because they are so bloody annoying and demanding. Their parents have to feed them, and their squawking can go on for hours. On Saturday, I cooked some sausages on the BBQ for lunch. I started cooking 5 sausages, went inside and returned out, and there were 4. I thought I was going mad and told Paula about it, and she said she saw one of the Crows fly away with something. It turned out to be my 5th sausage as they were all having a feast of it on the lawn. We then ate outside, and the Crows were hanging around on the roof, ready to pounce if we vacated the table for more than 10 seconds. They are also stealing the cat food. No wonder they are called a murder or Crows because that's what I want to do to them ATM. But don't worry, I won't. Reply to [email protected]

Working out value

I was in the thinking chair on Sunday, and I remembered how someone said to me how expensive mobile phones had got. I thought about that comment for a while and came up with this. Mobile phones are cheap. Consider how many times a day we use them and what sort of value they bring our way. Spending $2000 or $3000 on a phone is a bit different to buying a $60,000 boat that we would use half a dozen times a year. The two don't compare. It's worthwhile for a Famer to spend $120,000 on a Ute because they use them all the time. We paid $1100 (cheap) for our bed over 10 years ago, and we spent a third of our day in it. So you could justify spending a decent amount on a bed. I spend $4000 on my laptop, and some days I can spend 14 or 15 hours on it. I won't go anywhere without it. Don't be afraid to spend good money on the things we most use on a daily basis. And it's fine to have a boat too. Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson

Random and associated images.

Good job - It’s been confirmed that these guys provide old-fashioned service and not over-the-top prices. Read the story above.

Grandpa was right - Photo credit James Preuss

Riordans loading 50,000 tonnes iof Durum Wheat and a Ship in Geelong

Hot Hay - These guys were lucky this Vertch Hay did’nt catch on fire.