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- The Farmers Club Newsletter
The Farmers Club Newsletter
Thursday's Club Notes
The “Club Notes” for Thursday, the 16th of November 2023
By Dwain Duxson
If you can, please get your family, friends and colleagues to sign up. See the website link here.
38 bits of kit
We wrote about the cost of getting Harvest done quickly, compared to taking your time with fewer Machines in Monday's Farm Tender Daily. See the story here. I had a few interesting replies, some explaining and justifying why they need to get it done quickly. I get that. And others are happy to spend a little bit more time chipping away at it with lesser Gear. One person replied, saying they counted 38 bits of Gear in the neighbour's Paddock yesterday. This included 5 Headers and all the associated Machines you need to keep it away, 3 Fire Trucks, and Utes, right down to the Compressor. That's alot of stuff to shift, and I'm just hoping the Paddock wasn't only 100 acres….. It reminded me of a story I wrote about my Grandfather Errol Duxson, who had 13 Chamberlain Tractors, all the ones with the hand clutch, and where you entered the cabin from the rear. Read the story here. So if you are Harvesting, I want you to tell me right done to the Motorbike, how many pieces of kit in the Paddock you are Harvesting right now? Reply to [email protected]
What's your mode of communication
We all have preferred modes of communication within our work environment. Some use Slack or Salesforce, but they are mainly for bigger type companies that sit at a desk all day. For the record, at Farm Tender, we use Skype messaging. We started on that over 10 years ago and have stuck to it because it's simple and works for us. As Farmers, you are not sitting at a desk, so you need a mobile-friendly platform. And there might be a couple on the staff or half a dozen, and to function efficiently, you need something simple. Preferably one where you can segment into a group or sub-groups for different departments if you have them. WhatsApp is becoming very popular as it gives you plenty of options. I find Facebook Messenger a bit clunky, but I like it. Twitter and LinkedIn are others. I think Apps like Agworld, Mobble and Agriwebb have some form of inbuilt messaging system. My advice is to use a system that has a constant feed, so if people miss something, they can go back to it. And then there are text messages, where you can form groups, but I think that's better for communicating outside the Farm group. Then we have the good old phone call, and the UHF radio is still used by many. But whatever you use, make sure you stick to it and don't swap and change between platforms, as someone will miss something important. What form of communication do you use for the Farm? Reply to [email protected]
Cogs are turning
It's interesting to note that there is just a little rise in activity from Livestock Farmers starting to look at purchasing Sheep or Cattle. It's probably showing more in the Cattle market, with prices on the rise a little. It's definitely not showing in the Sheep and Lamb market, as prices are still at rock bottom. But I can almost hear the cog turning as some contemplate getting back into the market from a buying sense. A couple of people I have spoken to say you will never get cheaper Breeders right now, and if you join and have something that is saleable in 12-15 months for a Lamb or 18-24 for a weaner, then the thinking is surely the market's going to be better then. In other words, they are probably thinking there is going to be a margin in it. Of course, you have to have Feed, and I am told that the Storms have done some good up North for some anyway. Are you contemplating getting back into the Market for Sheep or Cattle? Reply to [email protected]
Ag CEO donates paintings
We wrote about Allan Cooney, CEO of NAPCO, in the Farm Tender Daily last night. See the link here. I doubled up because there is a good cause happening here. Allan doubles as a talented painter and has an exhibition on the 25th of November. See the link to his art here. He is kindly donating two paintings that will be Auctioned off for the "Are You Bogged Mate" organisation. Many of you would know who they are; they do a wonderful job for men's mental health. See the paintings below, and for more info, go to the Are You Bogged Mate website here. Reply to [email protected]
End of message.
Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900
Random and associated Ag articles and images.
Greystones look like a magic place. $80 million worth of magic.
Allan Cooney’s auction paintings. See the story above.
Allan Cooney’s auction paintings. See the story above.
Level playing field or not? Probably not, but good to know what each one can do.
Starting to level out.
I didn’t know this existed. Excellent idea.
🇧🇷Agriculture in Brazil contributes to $160bn in exports - a growth of $60bn In the last 2 years.
This is partly due to declining production in Europe & sustainable intensification of integrated livestock & cropping - 2mHa of expansion yearly of crops into pasture-based systems.
— Claire Taylor (@cjtaylor92)
10:05 PM • Nov 14, 2023
New year’s higher price for Lamb still expected. Mercardo.
It’s big - Claas Trac Tractor at Agritechnica.
Iconic brand.
This is what the last day of Harvest looks like. I’m guessing the cut-out starts soon.
Good news for the Australian Cattle Industry. Good to have a a win.
A good story.
Impressive - Class Header at Agritechnica.
It’s been a couple of good days for the Merino-type Wools.
It’s up a couple of hundred thousand head on this time last year.
On our way to Canberra for 2500 Empty Shoes on the lawn of Parliament House to represent men lost to suicide in one year in Australia.
We’d love to see you there!#areyouboggedmate
— Are You Bogged Mate? (@RUboggedmate)
3:39 AM • Nov 15, 2023
Up and down.
What Citrus Green disease has done to Orange production in the US
Huge drop in Production. See the related story above.