The Farmers Club Newsletter

Tuesday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Tuesday, the 14th of November 2023

By Dwain Duxson

If you can, please get your family, friends and colleagues to sign up. See the website link here.

Making Farming fun again

When Farming is the most fun, it is usually on the back of a good season and good prices. It's fun when we are getting results for the effort we put in. It starts to lose its shine when things start going against us. See the survey below in the images of which 36 percent said they still loved it, 29 percent said it had lost a bit of its gloss and 26 percent said they loved it but were over it. 516 people responded to the survey. I am trying to break down why people voted the way they did. I would be guessing, but the ones that said it's lost a bit of gloss and might be struggling with interest rates and a few cost pressures. The ones that said they loved it but were over it might be a combination of cost pressures, interest rates and low Livestock prices. Or it might be that they are burnt out and need a break. That could be a long or short break. I think if you feel the need to get out of Agriculture and you have the opportunity to do so, then don't let guilt or outside pressure get hold of you. Just do it. Many who do can feel the weight lift almost immediately after the emotion of physically going through the selling process is over. How are you feeling about Farming ATM? Reply to [email protected]

Agritechnica on now

Agritechnica is dubbed the biggest Farm Machinery event in the world. It happens in Hanover in Germany, and it runs for 7 long days. They get nearly 450,000 people attend from 144 counties with over 140,000 International guests. So there are plenty of heavy hitters that make the trip from countries far and wide, and the exhibitor list is a who's who of worldwide Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers. I was speaking to a couple of Aussies who were attending, and they were looking forward to seeing what was new and where things are headed in the game. We will keep adding a few images each day until the event finishes on the 18th of November. Take a peek at the website here. Reply to [email protected]

What are your power habits?

Power habits are things we do on a day-to-day basis that give us better outcomes for us, our businesses, other people and other businesses. Sometimes, we might enjoy doing these power habits, and sometimes, they might be a bit of a chore. Here are a couple of examples. It might be your attention to detail in monitoring your Crops that gives you that yield edge. It might be that you're good at grazing plans in order to get your Sheep in the ultimate condition for sale or joining. Or it could be as simple as keeping your Farm neat and tidy. It might be that you go above and beyond making sure your staff are happy and enjoying their work. Or it could be that you love teaching young people the skills of Farming. Your power habits define you. I'd like to think that some of my power habits are that I am reliable at putting out this Newsletter at 5 am, 6 days a week, rain, hail or shine. I would also like to think that I make an effort to get back to everyone who sends replies to our Newsletter each day. What are your power habits? Stop for 5 minutes and think about where you consistently influence outcomes. Reply to [email protected]

Good communities end up serving us

It takes effort from a lot of people and organisations to establish a good community. Most people in these good communities put the bigger picture before any personal agendas. I heard someone say the other day that good communities end up serving us. An example might be that people want to come to live in these good communities, so it might be easier for all the businesses to attract the right staff when they need them. See how it starts serving you back. That's how a good community might end up serving us. We had an experience of a good community on the weekend. It's probably two communities away from where we live, but we do frequent a couple of businesses in Taradale in Central Victoria. On Saturday night, we attended the Taradale ball; we only knew a handful of the 130-odd people crammed into the little Hall, but what a night! Everyone went to so much effort to dress up, the organisers executed like no other, and the band were sensational. Everybody was just having fun. Good communities do things well. Is your rural community a good one? Or, if not, what does it require for it to become a good one? Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

The New Holland CR11 at Agritechnica in Germany.

Here’s another view of the New Holland CR11.

170 years is a long time. Fin Review.dry

Interesting “love of Farming” survey. See the story above

How good - Crisply Chops. Thanks Tim Watt.

Sometime you’ve just got to laugh.

A bit of a view over the dry Darling Downs.

Agritechica, the massive Machinery Show in Germany right now.

Yep that’s how it works.

The Ag Watchers crew having a bit of fun last week on Twitter.

A declining market for Fake Meat Products.