The Farmers Club Newsletter

Wednesday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Wednesday, the 15th of November 2023

By Dwain Duxson

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Could the New Holland and Case brands combine?

I have a mate who is involved in the Machinery game, and he was telling me that he believes that Case and New Holland brands will combine in the next 3 years. He said the New Holland brand was on the way up and with a bullet. "It was a second-tier brand that is now in the first tier as Farmers and Contractors are starting to realise that they are getting quality for the dollars spent. The value is there", he said. Case is a clear number 2 brand, and it will be interesting to watch if something unfolds. I mean, how many brands do we need in the Tractor, Header, Telehandler, and Sprayer market? He reckons not all of them will survive. He also pointed out that 80 percent of the Parts are the same in a New Holland and Case Tractor for example. It's an great watch. What's your opinion/perception of New Holland as a brand?

Our Parts moment

Many Farmer's have said that they get frustrated about not getting access to Parts when they need them. So much so that many have to read the tea leaves and work out which Parts they need to have on hand for Harvest and Hay time. We have heard of Farmer's in the middle of Harvest being broken down for days over particular sensor. Even we had our little Parts moment yesterday. The Car Dealer rang a couple of weeks back and said the parts were in for something that needed replacing. So we booked it in for two weeks later (yesterday), and we got the automated text reminder two days before, and away my wife Paula went. It's over an hour's drive to Ballarat (Vic) for us, and when she got there, they had no parts. After many apologies from the Dealership, Paula went on her way to do some Christmas shopping. They rang back and apologised again and said there was a breakdown in communication as they forgot to let us know that a particular part of the part was faulty and they had to send it back. All good, and to clarify, for us, we didn't have another 1500 acres to finish or 700 bales to go, so it was a low-stress situation in comparison. What's been your Parts moment? Reply to [email protected]

Sassy, intelligent, proud, innovative…. Wow Marg

I had a great reply yesterday morning from Marg Burge from Coleambally, NSW, who wrote about the influence of young people in her Farming area. Take a read of her email in the images below. I like how Marg said she was writing this from an older person's perspective. Passion, intelligence, energy, smart, sassy, motivated, proud, innovation, love of the Land, lifestyle, these were some of the words Marg used. I've never seen a more positive piece of writing for a long time. You are very right when you said, "We don't need these young folk to become cynical and resentful". And I guess that is the point Marg is trying to get across. The Government getting involved in things like Water buybacks can change the Farming dynamics so much that it can suck the energy out of the most vibrant people in our Rural communities. Well written, Marg. Is anyone seeing this type of involvement from young people in your community? Reply to [email protected]

No two Cattle Breeds are the same.....

The guys at Episode 3 put out many weird and wonderful Ag-related graphs. We feature most of them. Today's one I find interesting. See the first one I am talking about below. It shows how much the Angus Breed is ahead commercially when sold on Auctionsplus. Nearly $200 above any other Breed over the 2022/23 years. No wonder the Angus guys are up and about. It's interesting to talk to the Cattle guys to see how loyal and passionate they are about a certain Breed that they favour. Our wide-ranging climate dictates which Breed you can run where, but from a commercial sense, if you were living in an area that could produce Angus, then you would Breed Angus. It's interesting there is no Wagyu on the list. I am guessing that they are sold differently with more set contracts than through the open market. What is your favourite Breed of Cattle, and why do you favour that Breed? Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

A South East Water update.

Marge Burge describing the young people in her area. Read the story above.

On the way up.

A New Case 715 Trac Tractor at Agritechnica, Germany.

Standing Tall - What a wonderful organisation. Well done to all involved.

Angus out in front. See the story above

Cattle Breed Price Drops.

John Deere out in force at Agritechnica, Germany.

How are you going with Telstra on your Farm? - No Christmas card from this Farmer.

Elders - A pretty good result. Fin Review.

Sometimes you just have to laugh.

12,000 Tractors sold is a pretty good number so far.

Global Growth.

More glitter from Agritechnica, Germany.

Remember these? - The is was a bit before my time but I remember the elevator ones.

Where we are at with the Right to repair issue.

Wool market kicked yesterday. Also see below.

Uniform order from the Chinese Railways?

I a, a Water nuff nuff, but it interesting to look at where Water Prices got to. This is for Murray River Water below the Barmah choke