The Farmers Club Newsletter

No 90 - Monday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Monday, the 25th of December 2023

By Dwain Duxson

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Christmas Day Farm jobs

I hope you're having a great Christmas Day. I was just thinking about what Farm jobs still need to be done on Christmas day. Of should I say what needs to be done and what we choose to do? I remember Harvesting a box full or two on Christmas Day in the past. I'm sure some Farmers do the same, and some just make it an official day off. Whichever way it's your choice, don't feel guilty either way. Many have finished Harvest, so it's not a factor. But the Cows have to be milked, and that's a given; this one needs to be done. Last year, I did a small fencing project early on Christmas morning before everyone got up. It's a choice one. I am sure there are other Christmas Day Farm jobs that need to be done. What are some that you find yourself doing? Reply to [email protected]

Earned in drops and lost in buckets

Kevin Kelly is a famous blogger who said this. "Trust is earned in drops and lost in buckets". I reckon this is a great statement and is one that defines what Agriculture and Farming are all about. We talk about it a lot, and what Kevin is saying is it takes a long time to build up trust in Ag and lost in no time with something that might be considered very minor. We spoke about a Sheep Farmer mate who had an agreement with a Cropping Farmer neighbour to exchange free Spray water for the Boomspray for the Stubble for their Lambs post-Harvest. This year, the Stubble was a Legume one, but the Crop Farmer got a bit greedy and bought his own Lambs and reneged on the handshake agreement. The trust has now gone in that relationship. One slightly greedy act destroyed it. How highly do you rate trust in a relationship? Reply to [email protected]

Stay away from angry

My son Raleigh and I did a spot of Supermarket shopping yesterday morning. We made a conscious effort to be patient and kind, even if others weren't. We see so many people getting in a tizz at this time of year, from fighting over Car parks at the shops to pushing in line just to save a minute or so. Madness I know, but we have all been there and let our guard down at some point. I think by telling yourself before you get into a situation may send you a quick reminder when you arrive at such a situation. Another thing the stats tell us is that arguments happen more at this time of year when the family gets together when the tensions are a little higher. For Farming families, if you have some dirty laundry you want to raise, you are better off raising it in February. We wrote about it the other day; the time and the place to raise any concerns are not over this period. So, please enjoy this period and keep the controversies for another day. Have a great day. Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

Inventor at work - One of the rare Ag Tech success stories in the last few years.

Beer Tax and some hefty margin chucked in.

This is an extract from a Weekly Times article on Broden Holland. A Farmer at Young in NSW.

You’d want to make sure you were clear of all powerlines.

Christmas day funny

This is a worry.

Remember these. Mum, can you come and pick me up….

Go steady - Monday funny.

Estimated WA tonnes in December.

Another Christmas Day funny.

Rain dependant.

A good question and a good answer.

Carl Upton and the restored Upton Tractor.

It’s coming to a head.

Ice fishing is big in the Lakes area of Minnesota, USA, at this time of year. Some pitch a tent on the Lake, cut a hole, and camp for a few days. They love it.

Aussie company forming overseas partnerships.

I’ve been to a few US Airports, many are pokey, and when full of people, they can be a nightmare. A good time to be patient and kind. See the story above.