The Farmers Club Newsletter

Tuesday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Tuesday, the 21st of November 2023

By Dwain Duxson

If you can, please get your family, friends and colleagues to sign up. See the website link here.

Webinar not to be missed

In the Ag space, there are a lot of events you can go to, webinars to attend, videos to watch, and you can read until the Cows come home. Most of it will waste your precious time. In amongst the litter, there is always some good stuff. There is one organisation that always runs a good show, and that is Farm Owner Academy (FOA). The reason why they do is because they get Farmers and Farming. So many people and organisations involved in Ag don't. So when FOA puts on a show, you know, it will be beneficial to the Farmer. So on Wednesday the 29th of November at 12 pm EDST, FOA will be holding a "Beating Burnout & Increasing Resilience" Webinar. Click here to join. We are currently facing plenty of headwinds in Ag today. And for some of us, it can mess with our heads. And when it does, it's comforting to know that others are going through the same, and there are ways through education that can help. It's also good to understand these things even if you aren't experiencing any of this pressure. I recommend all Farmers register and make an effort to attend. Reply to [email protected]

Sticking to your culinary guns

I put up a story yesterday about how Italy is banning Lab-grown Meat. I put the story up again. See below. The Italians cited that it didn't coincide with the nation's culinary traditions. I haven't been to Italy, but my wife has, and she says the food over there is to die for. Unlike us, they don't have a wide variety of culinary options that have been bought in from other countries. They keep it simple and stick to the traditional culinary guns. It's a setback for the Lab-Grown Meat sector, which is trying to establish itself but may be heading the same way as the plant-based Meat sector. Lab-grown meat is apparently very costly to produce, and they would have to get the cost down somewhat to compete in the protein stakes. I don't know about you but it's biggest hurdle I see is it being accepted. I, for one, will be sticking to my usual culinary delights. Do you have an opinion on Lab-Grown Meat? It's SiFi, right? Reply to [email protected]

Are you Farm proud

It's not necessarily a sign of being a good Farmer or not, but what I do admire is people who are Farm Proud. Some Farmers are pedantic as to how their Farm looks, and others don't go into great detail about having everything in a shed or in the perfect spot, and there is nothing wrong with that either. The Farmers with neat Farms really work hard at it, and it probably costs them more time as they are always putting things away and keeping things clean and tidy. I saw an incident where a neat Farmer bought a new Farm that was pretty run down, and without hesitation, he got the Bulldozer and buried a lot of unwanted stuff, upgraded the fences and gates, built a few new Sheds, and gravelled all around the place. It changed the look of the place in a matter of months. Do you consider yourself Farm proud? Reply to [email protected]

Are we losing our Bush Characters?

I wrote a piece about Don Murphy in our Farm Tender Daily last night. You can read it here. Don was a top-of-the-list Bush Character. And it got me thinking back to when I was growing up on the Farm in the Marnoo area and how many characters there were around then. Men and Women with a bit of mischief about them, all having unique qualities, some would play them up, and for others it was just them. Is the age of mobile phones and social media killing off the Bush character? Do we now take ourselves too seriously, or do we let ourselves stress too much, which can take away our natural flair? Or have I got it wrong, and there are still plenty of characters around? Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

See the lead story above. Make sure you sign up for the webinar.

I put this up yesterday but wrote a story about it today. See above

If you have money to invest, the rates are pretty good.

Spending big

Barley rises.

Good question.

They are the signs we ne

See images below

The once-great Newmarket Saleyards in Melbourne

The once-great Newmarket Saleyards in Melbourne