The Farmers Club Newsletter

No 135 - Friday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Friday, the 16th of February, 2024.

By Dwain Duxson

14 days to go

Our FarmTender2024 - Entrepreneurs in Farming event is not far away. Click here for more info. See the media release here. Read some of the questions we are going to ask Danny Thomas, Rob Dawes and Claire Booth.

Out of sight out of mind

We know that Farmers don't want those ugly large Power Lines running through their property. So, if they want to build more lines, let's start doing it underground. Sure, they will say it's too expensive; well, let's find a way to make it less expensive. I am sure most Farmers would allow something like this as a compromise. And we could leave all the current ones in place; it would just be for new lines. They have put all the Telephone and NBN data lines underground, as well as all the Natural Gas lines. Once they are out of sight, they are out of mine, and people can get on with their everyday business. Should they put any new proposed Power Line underground? Reply to [email protected]

Fees for early payment - WTF

We have talked about payment terms on quite a few occasions, and we are getting better at it in the Ag space. But this shocked me: "Australia's large supermarkets are charging some fruit and vegetable growers hefty fees to receive quicker payments for their produce, heaping financial pressure on Farmers already under strain from cashflow problems". I mean, most of us in Ag are trying our very best to make payment terms as short as possible, and we have the wealthy Supermarkets on long payment terms, but if you want your money earlier, there is a fee attached. I thought they signed something to say they would conform to much shorter payment terms other than the rumoured 90-day terms. How management can get away with this is beyond me. Do you reckon the Supermarkets should be on 7-day (or less) payment terms? Reply to [email protected]

Where do we buy tickets…..

I see the Victorian Farmers Federations (VFF) has its AGM on the 20th of February. Don't worry about Taylor Swift; this will be more epic. Where do we buy tickets???? Seriously though, this is an organisation in crisis if it doesn't get its act into gear. I don't reckon I have seen an equivalent organisation in such a mess. I mean, some of the sledges flying around have been brutal. And a lot of it has been played out on social media. I am not sure if they can get their act into gear, but I know every Victoria Farmer would be interested in the outcome. And if changes are made, we might see a decline in members rescinding their memberships because they are currently leaving in droves. Do you have an opinion on what's going on at the VFF? Reply to [email protected]

Mobile Phone survey

We have agreed to distribute a series of Surveys for a new Ag start-up called Ag Surveys. The first one is on Mobile Phones. Click here to contribute. For every one that completes the survey, Ag Surveys will make sure you get the results from each survey. Coming soon will be one on Council/Shire Rates, Headers, Insurance and Chaser Bins, with more to follow. So, if you have something to say, this is your opportunity to be heard. Reply to [email protected]

Your replies

Below are snippets from some of the replies you sent in. All quotes will remain nameless. See a few current ones below:

  • “Dwain. For quite a few years, car Dealers have had very little margin on car sales (probably because of competition) and make all their money on accessories, parts and tinting. And all those other trashy things they force you to sit through their sales spiel” - In regards to our Note on how expensive Part have become.

  • “Regarding selling when the money is good. We made the mistake of investing more in Cattle in 21/2022 instead of selling what we had. And we paid too much, of course. We're now selling our entire Herd sometime before the end of this FY (probably May), so we can purchase our first home (on acres of course!!). We won't let the opportunity slip by again”. - In reply to our note about selling when the market it hot.

  • “Fair bit of noise in my inbox over the last little while with campaigning from various sectors about the upcoming AGM and proposed changes to the VFF constitution”. - We have been putting a few articles up about the shambolic VFF lately. See the story above.

  • “The trick is to believe in yourself and what you are saying. Self-belief and a never-say-die attitude have got me where I am today”. - In reply to our Note on accepting yourself for what you are.

  • “Many quotes came from that, and one that sticks in my mind is “What everyone thinks of me is none of my business“ I work on this theory now”. - I love this quote. Another thing on the topic of accepting yourself is to not listen to what others are saying about you.

  • “Farm life is a real educator. I am sure it makes kids more resilient when they grow up with droughts, etc, coping on a day-to-day basis with whatever nature dishes out. To me, bush kids and adults are a completely different species almost. I particularly notice this more as I age. Go, you bushies”. - In reply to our article about how Townie Farm kids might be missing out a little.

  • “A life restricted by what others might think - would hardly be one worth living”. - In reply to our Note on accepting yourself.

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

How was probably more famous than anyone except the Prime Minister back then?

WTF - So they charge a fee for an earlier payment? See the story above.

Can someone explain what this means?

Going well.

Friday funny.

Import levy.

Time to go underground? See the story above.

The fallen Powerlines in Victoria. See the story above.

Wise words.

Friday funny.


Numbers down.

Friday funny.

US Farm stats.

Totally agree.

Courage - Lawrence was burnt in an accident 9 years ago.

Harvest is just winding up for some.

Is it the state of the roads?

43,000 hours, wow.

Some are only just finishing up.

Great photo. Why? The Farm driveway, the grid, the entrance, the Landscape, the Farmer, the Dog, the back of the Ute has stuff in it, and the Utes a bit dirty. And some….

Low - Not many are behind. CBA data.

Friday funny.

This EU protesting thing is catching on.

More in than out.

The VFF AGM is on the 20th of Feb. Where do we buy tickets….. See the story above.

Farm solar is on the rise.

Marketing ploy?

Using it to raise funds - Cheap.

Insurance up in the US.

WA Wool sales on Wednesday.

Bull sales.

Ram sales

Ram sales.

Bull sales.

Bull sales.

Bull sales

Wool prices from yesterday.

Grain prices from yesterday.