The Farmers Club Newsletter

Wednesday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Wednesday, the 22nd of November 2023

By Dwain Duxson

If you can, please get your family, friends and colleagues to sign up. See the website link here.

She's on our side

Love her or loath her, what Gina Rinehart has for a Lady with multiple billions is common sense. She shows that in the article below. And guess what, folks? She is on our side and has an understanding of what we do. Have a read of the article below (top one) first. Gina spells out what Mining and Agriculture are worth to our Country and how they give us one of the best living standards in the world. Yes, we have Governments and people not involved in our industries trying to tear that down. It's just bizarre. Have we reached a point where common sense won't be reached anymore, and will we just go from one anti-farming attack to another? I would be interested to hear what you think of the article. Reply to [email protected]

We found a clone…..

Well at least I have identified that it's similar in looks, however the metrics are as wide apart as you will ever see. The so-called clone is the Van Trump Report, an Amercian equivalent, started by Kevin Van Trump, who was an Ag commodity trader in his day. I am not sure how long they have been going, but according to the Tweet below, they take over $20 million in subscriptions each year. They charge $600 a year or $60 a month. The similarities are putting up articles and Tweets and writing some Farming commentary. They do that but have added commentary around the share market and commodity markets. The funny thing is that I only found this report three weeks back and have been subscribing since then. We started The Farm Farmers Club daily Newsletter on the 11 of September 2023. so we are only at the start. The intention at some stage is to make it a subscription, but not just yet. I can't really show you what the Van Trump Report looks like because I can't link it. What is the thing you like most about The Farmers Club newsletter? See the tweet below. Reply to [email protected]

Robotics making waves in Dairy

I tend to think we are battling a bit with Automation and Robotics in Ag. It will gradually infiltrate into our Farming lives over time but in small increments and as Farmers learn to trust not being in full control. But one industry where Automation is being accepted is in Dairy. There is no doubt that Robotics work and that they eventually pay for themselves; it's just the initial outlay that stops most heading down that track. According to my Dairy Farmer mate, it's a completely new mindset change both for the people and the Cows. It's interesting to watch the progress in space. As a Dairy Farmer, do you have any opinions on Robotic Milking? See the image below. Reply to [email protected]

The rise of the Bush wedding

I see that old Barnaby ( I won't call him Tomatoe head, but it's a good name) and his new wife Vikki had their wedding the other day. It was a bush wedding where invitees were told to arrive in their Four Wheel Drives and to bring their Swags. The bush wedding is a growing trend, and it can come in any form or happen anywhere. Long gone are the days when you got married in a Church and then went to a proposed wedding venue for the reception. Because, nowadays, the only limitation is your imagination, we are seeing all kinds of weddings being held on Farms. It is a real opportunity for Farmers to find revenue-earning uses for things like old Shearing Sheds, Grain Sheds, Homesteads, Gardens, etc. And it's the bush weddings that are remembered by those that attend; they leave the old-style Church and Reception centre ones for dead. Have you been to a bush wedding lately? Reply to [email protected]

Special on DelayPay for Crop Inputs

DelayPay has some great news for the festive season - we have managed to get hold of some discounted funds leading into the summer and are able to offer a special discount rate on Crop Input purchases (Fertiliser, Chemicals and Seed) until the end of January. For discount rates, jump onto our website here or see the flyer below. Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

So much common sense. See the story above. The Australian.

See the latest Farm Tender competition. Pretty good prize.

Farmers to a tee.

How good does this set-up look

DelayPay’s special rate for Crop Inputs. See the story above.


Van Trump Report - We found a clone. Well, at least, we would like to think we are of sorts. Comparison with revenue is as wide as it gets. $US20m vs AUD$0. And that was in 2021. See the story above.

Dream at the top, reality at the bottom.

See the story about Robotic Milking above.

Too close to Town - Pakenham Saleyards set to close.

Pushing hard.

The Southern Wool market today.

WA Wool sales today

Diesel price update.

Green shoots at Bendigo.

Farmer’s Edge was in Australia only a few years back and struggled for penetration here.

Not a worry in the world.

This is a US article written by Kevin Van Trump. Continued below

More pictures below

Todays Headers.