The Farmers Club Newsletter

Friday's Club Notes

The “Club Notes” for Friday, the 13th of October 2023

By Dwain Duxson

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No Ag experience

Is it just me, or have you noticed the standard of our state or federal Agricultural minister has gone to the pack lately? I don't want to be negative about it, but I just don't think they understand the game we are in. I think the reason is that today, they are career politicians and have no experience working for someone or running a business. Most of them have zero Ag experience, and I think that is the nuts and bolts of the problem. And you have to be in Ag to understand how it, and its people tick. It would be like throwing you or I into the cock pit of an A380 Aircraft. We wouldn't get off the tarmac. It's funny watching them when they go bush. They don the RM's, the big belt and Akubra Hat and then tip-toe around, worried they might step in some Sheep or Cow shit. When I see footage, I watch them closely, and they look uncomfortable. How do we get better Ag Ministers? Reply to [email protected]

Ay What'z that…

Most Farmers have some form of industrial deafness. Especially my vintage and older (50+). We worked in the days when Tractor and Header Cabs were nowhere near as sophisticated as they are today. And nobody, or not many of us, ever wore earplugs or earmuffs. I know I should, but I don't protect the ears when using the chainsaw these days. I probably think the damage is already done. Back when I was on the Farm, we had an old Massey Ferguson 1505 articulated 4wd Tractor with a very basic and loud cab. I spent countless hours in that Machine, and I remember I installed a radio in it once, but you could hardly hear it. You probably didn't need any distractions back then because it was back in the day when you had to concentrate on driving straight. I also remember one of our staff members on the Farm, Bruce, who's industrial deafness was next level. Every time you said something, his first response was, "ay what'z that". How's your hearing? Reply to [email protected]

It's not only the media

Yesterday, we spoke in one of our "Club Notes" about how the media writes alarmist-type articles that cause anxiety for some. I'm trying to work out how this type of media works, and I've come to this conclusion. They must get a particular bit of information and then exaggerate it or 10x it, and if it's out there enough, they get the clicks. But they only get the clicks if it's extreme. Nobody takes notice if it's not. But it's not only the media. A reader sent this in. "Regarding your comments about the "Alarmists take centre stage", we have constant warnings and alerts here in North East Victoria from the BoM and the Vic Emergency app about Floods, Windstorms, and the infamous Thunderstorm Asthma. They keep coming thick and fast, and we can't turn them off as they are deemed "too important". Hopefully, you can tell from my language how much it drives me nuts just thinking about it while I type". Does anyone else get these sorts of notifications? Reply to [email protected]

Crispy four-quarter Chops

Try this one on the weekend. Occasionally, I buy the four-quarter Chops and put them in the roasting dish on top of a tray so all the fat and moisture can fall through. I turn the oven to 200 and bake them until they are crispy. Then I just eat them on their own, with nothing else on the plate. And I can't work out why my wife Paula cooks something else for herself on those days. Anyway, give them a go. Highly recommended. Reply to [email protected]

End of message.

Dwain Duxson

Random and associated images.

The Royal George Hotel in Urana, NSW - It poured its last beer in 1999, back when Sydneyites came to the bush to buy Liquor licences to take advantage of the 2000 Sydney Olympic crowds. It was built in 1875

A few Johnny concaves can make a great seat.

Urea imports have risen this year. Hard to think it was hard to get at one stage. Chart credit Episode 3.

Another Urea chart - It’s all been imported this year. Chart credit Episode.

The Hilux is going electric.

Where our Canola goes - I didn’t know we exported Canola to so many countries.

Windrowing Barley is becoming a bit more of a trend these days. Photo credit Rory Bloc

Across the line, well nearly - A nice Wheat Crop at Scadden, WA.