The Farmers Club Newsletter

No 154 - Wednesday's Club Notes


The “Club Notes” for Wednesday, the 13th of March, 2024.

By Dwain Duxson

Flying solo

We have had a few replies about the Dogs being allowed on Virgin flights. It’s an interesting decision as you do wonder if it would increase passenger numbers or do the opposite. It reminded me of a flight I went on once when I was a kid with an old man and a neighbour who was a Pilot/Farmer, to a Ram sale at Dubbo. The Pilot bought a Ram and we took it back in the Plane. I’m sure it’s not the first time a Ram has commuted in a small Plane. Luckily, it was one of these shedded ones and was reasonably tame, and when it did the business, it was pelletised. I am not sure how it turned out and how the trip affected the Ram’s ability to work. I find flying in small Planes a little terrifying, and I’m not sure what the Ram thought…. Have you ever transported Livestock from A to B in a different way than what you normally would? Reply to [email protected]

A sad day

We had a heap of replies on the favourite Tractor story. You can see some of the replies below. Back in the 70s, 80s, and into the 90s, we spent alot of time in the Tractors, working paddocks up, getting another week to kill, Sowing, Harrowing, things like that. Sometimes, I remember it was five passes to get the Crop in. Nowadays, it’s 1, and the Sprayer has now become the item that chews up the hours. Because we spent time in our Tractors, an attachment was formed, and a few people said that it was a sad day when they sold or traded that Tractor. However, some said they still have their favourite Tractor. As I mentioned yesterday, I reckon I have seen our old Massey Ferguson 1505 parked up on a small Farm just out of Shepparton. I should call in one day and take a look, as it would bring back some memories. I knew every square inch of that Machine, just like you would with yours. What is/was your favourite Tractor, and do you still have it? Reply to [email protected]

Sowing Seeds

It’s that time of year when people start looking for Seed to Sow. It’s a fascinating thing to watch unfold as some Farmers are really on the front foot and know what they are going to plant. And others sorta leave it to the last minute. Then there is always a period in time where, say, a weather event might happen or the price for something crashes, and Farmers start changing their decisions around what to Sow. This year, varieties of Canola, Wheat, Barley, Beans, etc, are readily available, it’s really only Oat Seed that is harder to find. Farmers and their Agronomists will be thinking long and hard about what to plant this year and try an predict what might be good price wise come Harvest and beyond. I dare say there will be less Canola go in this year, but who knows what could happen. Happy Sowing. What are you Sowing this year? Reply to [email protected]

VFF Survey

Do you have an opinion on the Victorian Farmer's Federation? If so, please fill out this quick survey from Ag Surveys.

Your replies

Below are snippets from some of the replies you sent in. All quotes will remain nameless. See a few current ones below:

  • “Favourite Tractor. Upton MT-855”. - In reply to our Note on what was/is your favourite Tractor ever. See the first image below.

  • “My father bought an 8430 in about 1974, and it was just the best biggest thing I had ever seen. I spent hundreds of hours on it; I was very sad when he traded it for a newer model”. - Another favourite Tractor story.

  • “All I can guarantee you is that if we have a different Gov voted in this year, we will all suffer, especially your (Tasmanian) readers. They will immediately attack the Forestry, Farming and Fishing industries”. - In reply to our story about Jeremy Rockcliff and what one Tassie Farmer thinks.

  • “Yes, we all still get along it's worked out well” - A Farm succession success story.

  • “My favourite tractor, Dwain, was 875 Versatile, purchased new in 1982 (ordered before the drought set in) 20 years trouble-free, fantastic Machine”. - Another great Tractor.

  • I think training is a thing that you get with time, and you don't even know you're getting it”. - In reply to our note on where we question some of our training for things. This Farmer thinks our training never ends. It just keeps happening, and he’s right.

  • “G'day Dwain. In our case, it would be a Massey Ferguson 1155 V8. Bought it in 1973 for $33.000 brand new. I sold it a few years ago now. It was a sad occasion to see it go to a new home”. - Another favourite Tractor story.

  • “I have about 30 Tractors, a few too many for a 140 hectare Farm that I still actively Farm”. - This Farmer loves his Tractors.

  • “I still have the TEA Ferguson that my 3 boys and I all grew up on, plus dad's Farmall H with its mid-mounted Cultivation gear”. - Tractor again.

  • “G’day Dwain, both my wife and I went to Longerenong Ag College in the late 70’s. It taught us a diverse range of Ag-related subjects before we entered the workforce, and then we learnt much more. Many businesses employed graduates because they had broad knowledge in Ag and the ability to learn”. - In reply to our training Note. We strongly believe Ag Colleges do a great job with your Aggies.

  • “I am allergic to cats. I know others who are allergic to dogs. The fluffy handbag types are the worst, So I, like quite a few others, will avoid Virgin for our health. People demanding their pets be on board show total disrespect for me”. - In reply to our Note on Dogs on flights.

  • “A man I consider very wise once told me, you can tell the integrity of a man by the regard his children hold him in. It is possible to fool a lot of people, but bloody hard to fool your kids. They see you at your public best and your private worst”. - How true is this, an observation made by a wise man. 

End of message.

Dwain Duxson
0427 011 900

Random and associated Ag articles and images.

Favourite Tractor - See the reply quote above.

Good yields.

Lentil Exports

I think it’s a fair way off yet….

Chickpea exports.

Wednesday funny.

Fair enough.

Expanding the Sheep numbers.

Tough area for a Meatworks.

An option.

Impressive. I understand Dunolly is on a Rail line, but it’s not really a Wheat-growing area, so I struggle to understand why they built such a big facility there.

The headline is, “The Russians are coming for your Wheat price”.

Blood bath….

Fook Farm - Our new Farm signs are up with the Party Shed in the background. I will grow a lawn in front of the Shed next Summer.

Wednesday funny - You could change it to Non-Farmers and Farmers…..

Great idea from Belle. Everyone should learn how to drive a Tractor.

Such a desirable trait.

Who knows?

Heat vision.

What a ripper story. He’s going places.

Good on the Dairy Farmers. They deserve it.

Don’t think many Farms have Drones and Driverless Tractors. I agree we need to flip the script, but we also have to tell it how it is.

Wednesday Funny - Very clever Illustration.

One to watch…

Because they are getting out when the going is good.

Texas Fires.


Long stretch.

Muchea Sheep and Lambs 12/3

For any Fert inquiries, ring Ellen on 0418 137 224.

For any Fert inquiries, ring Ellen on 0418 137 224.

Yesterday’s Grain Prices.