No 344 - Wednesday's Club Notes

The “Club Notes” for Wednesday, the 23rd of October, 2024.

By Dwain Duxson - An Ag Enthusiast

Should they be concerned?

Farmers and meat processors have a love-hate relationship. When the Livestock price is down, the processors do well, and Farmers struggle and vice versa. Or so they say. So, both parties seem always at odds with each other, and nothing riles Farmers more when someone is killing the pig (the pun…) at their expense. But it's funny because one relies on the other so much that without one, the other doesn’t exist. But there is another issue looming that I don't think the processors are factoring in. On the Sheep side of things, the flock is reducing rapidly. And I'm just thinking, at what point do the processors start to get concerned about supply? Where is the breaking point where the flock gets to a problematic low level? Much improved fertility rates over the last decade or so have masked this problem, and we have been able to produce much more with less. But I argue that those fantastic fertility gains we have made are plateauing out, and this is where the problem might surface. But if the processors aren't aware of this looming problem, or they think they have plenty of buffer still, but if they don't, then what can they do about it? In the fight for acres, the Sheep industry is losing, so what's the silver bullet that would encourage Farmers to increase Sheep numbers? Do you share this concern, or are we going to be ok numbers-wise??  Reply to [email protected]

What’s in the paid section today:

Story 2 - In Farming, we live through high highs and low lows. How do we find the middle ground…

Story 3 - The S&W story has stirred people up and rightly so. Why don't some people earn money the proper way?…….

Number of articles and images - 67 in total including 18 funnies.

Number of Farmer replies - 13 in total. Lot’s about S&W Seed.

The Farmers Club - For Ag Enthusiasts

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