No 416 - Tuesday's Club Notes.

The “Club Notes” for Tuesday, the 21st of January, 2025.

By Dwain Duxson - An Ag Enthusiast

Made in China

I didn't know that some of the AGCO stuff that's sent to Australia is made in China, Teslas, too. I am sure there are other examples as well. This is what one Farmer said in a tweet yesterday: "I think the negative stigma of building things in China is way overhyped. Ultimately AGCO is still in charge of how they're are made". Love them or the opposite, the Chinese have been making stuff for years, and it's fair to say that a fair percentage of it has been crap. But I reckon they have turned the corner with the BYD Car and Ute brand being the pin-up for the new dawn that may be upon us. I have this feeling that the BYD Ute will be a hit with Tradies, but the jury is out as to whether it stacks up on the Farm. But it's like Wool's stigma with consumers about being itchy. It's not now, but many still associate Wool with being itchy, so I think that the Chinese have to prove themselves to be a trusted manufacturer of goods because we all have a story from the past. Exhibit A though, look what they build for themselves. Do you think that China has turned the corner as far as manufacturing quality is concerned? Will you ever trust them enough to buy something from them?  Reply to [email protected] or 0427 011 900

This Friday - Members draw - 6 months’ worth of meat from Our Cow. Sign up to win.

Win 6 months’ worth of meat from Our Cow - Our friends at Our Cow have chipped in to offer up 6 months’ worth of meat (or whatever you like in the Our Cow shop) valued at $1200 and delivered to your door. The draw will take place at 3 pm on Friday, the 24th of January 2025. Anyone who subscribes has the opportunity to win. Reply to [email protected] or 0427 011 900

What’s in the paid section today:

Story 2 - Identifying talent needs to be a skill that everyone has to have in their kit bag…..

Story 3 - Snow Parry - We talk about another old Farming character from yesteryear….

Number of articles and images - 63 bits of the latest info and news, which included 17 “funnies” and 7 “just saying”.

Number of Farmer replies - On 2 today, but there is one ripper there.

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